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Is lack of process insight a pitfall for you?

All companies have processes! It is so banal that ....

All companies have processes! It is so banal that we can say that even you as an individual have processes such as your morning routine. Waking up, bath, coffee, breakfast, dressing, etc. You can deviate from the process such as skipping breakfast. How many times it happens and how much time you "save" and what you do to compensate for this, variables become a fixed rehearsed routine.

So what exactly is our (Voglio) mission in investing in assistance to establish process insight? Well, some of us have worked with process understanding and process insight with various tools since the early 80s. We have used the ITIL framework, we have used Togaf, we have used Lean. We have visualized with Visio, on the whiteboard, we have used Powerpoint – we actually still do it, but more in workshops and simpler presentations to get most people involved in what we have discovered or create a common holistic understanding.

But, now there are tools that apply – process mining and process intelligence. How to create objective insight into how the processes that the supplier has designed and configured? Together with the application provider - create the perfect solution for the company's employees.

It is only when it is in production and must function in everyday life that all deviations in the routines occur and that employees actually ask for improvements and changes to the original design.

What happens then?
Well, with many years of experience, we at Voglio can say with our hand on our heart, "what you have decided does not always turn out well."

Our claim - we have repeatedly seen various forms of standard system "screwed" to pieces with special adaptations that were thought to solve the "problem" based on the requirement for practiced working patterns in the organisation. Suppliers often give in to the customer's wishes. Solutions end up with processes for which the standard application is not built. This in turn creates challenges with updates and new versions of the application's standard functionality... If you totally disagree, feel free to comment!

Think about it!
- Imagine if you could visualize how the design is configured with objective information, so that you point directly to where the bottlenecks are, or where the deviations occur. Ref. the analogy with your own morning routine.
- Imagine if you could easily show the supplier where the next version should get standard functions or that additional functionality must be established. To be able to automate and improve/simplify the process.
- Imagine if, after receiving changes, you could visualize what results the configuration produced, and that the processes were actually improved in both time and cost. Can possibly also be measured against the KPI for customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction.

We at Voglio, together with the market and analysis agencies, strongly believe that this is easy to achieve with Celonis®. This applies especially to those of us who have worked with process for more than 30 years the "old way" and see how the same pitfalls keep reappearing with customers when process documentation is the same as a simple drawing lying in a drawer in someone's office.
Are you working optimally?

Talk to us!

Images in this article are generated by AI.

Written by Tom Lien, Voglio.

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